“Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal and ordinary and is just a natural part of the way the world works. Anything that’s invented between when you’re fifteen and thirty-five is new and exciting and revolutionary and you can probably get a career in it. Anything invented after you’re thirty-five is against the natural order of things.”
– Douglas Adams
Quote of the Day
“A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies.”
– Oscar Wilde
Quote of the Day
“Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were a member of Congress; but I repeat myself.” – Mark Twain
Quote of the Day
“A good many young writers make the mistake of enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope, big enough for the manuscript to come back in. This is too much of a temptation to the editor.”
– Ring Lardner
Quote of the Day
“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.”
– Andre Gide
Quote of the Day
“Space is big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it’s a long way down the road to the chemist’s, but that’s just peanuts to space.”
– Douglas Adams
Quote of the Day
“Some people like my advice so much that they frame it upon the wall instead of using it.”
– Gordon R. Dickson
Quote of the Day
“It is impossible to imagine Goethe or Beethoven being good at billiards or golf.”
– H. L. Mencken
Quote of the Day
“To my mind Judas Iscariot was nothing but a low, mean, premature Congressman.”
-Mark Twain
Quote of the Day
“Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend.”
— Stephen King